Comprehensive Plan
The City of Lake Worth Beach, located in Florida, presents its comprehensive plan to guide its future development and growth. This visionary document envisions a vibrant and sustainable coastal community that cherishes its natural beauty and preserves its unique character. The plan focuses on fostering a balanced and inclusive environment, promoting economic prosperity, enhancing the quality of life for residents, and maintaining a strong sense of community.
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Comprehensive Plan Introduction
The City of Lake Worth Comprehensive Plan (Plan) has been developed and amended pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (F.S.), the "Community Planning Act" (formerly the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act), and the requirements of Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).
Future Land Use
Promote the distribution of land uses that will preserve and enhance the character of Lake Worth and the quality of life of its residents. This shall be accomplished by establishing land development strategies that promote a sustainable city, meet social and economic needs, provide for adequate services and facilities, conserve natural and historic resources, and ensure compatibility of land uses.
To develop and maintain a safe, convenient, and energy efficient multimodal circulation system which permits convenient and efficient travel through and within the City, to support and enhance the community’s economic and residential character.
Housing and Neighborhoods
To achieve a supply of housing that offers a variety of residential unit types and prices for current and anticipated homeowners and renters in all household income levels by the creation and/or preservation of a full range of quality housing units.
To provide needed public infrastructure in a manner which protects investments in existing facilities and promotes orderly, compact urban growth, while maintaining an acceptable level of service.
Coastal Management
Growth and development and the provision of infrastructure will be accomplished in a manner that protects, maintains and enhances coastal resources, and provides for the enjoyment of the social, economic and natural benefits of these resources.
To conserve, protect, and appropriately manage the natural resources of the City of Lake Worth to ensure the highest environmental quality possible, that protects and promotes public health and safety, and sustains environmental quality and energy conservation
Recreation & Open Space
The City of Lake Worth’s open space and recreation system shall provide sustainable indoor-outdoor leisure opportunities, to meet the physical, social, recreational and cultural needs of current and future demands of all population segments with access to a variety of passive and active recreation programs through the use of both public and private resources.
Intergovernmental Coordination
To strengthen a network of intergovernmental coordination mechanisms that supports the implementation of the Goals, Objectives and Polices of this sustainable Comprehensive Plan.
Capital Improvement
To undertake capital improvements necessary to keep the City’s present public facilities in good condition and to accommodate new development guided by sustainable and sound fiscal practices.
Advocate for the educational needs of the citizens of Lake Worth by fostering and further developing relationships between the City, Non-Profit partners, Colleges and Universities, Government Entities and the School District of Palm Beach County (the District)
Economic Development
The economic goal of the City of Lake Worth is to achieve a sustainable, balanced and diversified economy which is compatible with the City’s built environment and protects important cultural, historical and natural resources.
Property Rights
The City will make decisions with respect for judicially acknowledged and constitutionally protected private property rights, and with respect for people’s rights to participate in decisions that affect their lives and property.