You may have recently received your City-issued business license or other correspondence which included the following statement, “Per City Ordinance number 2022-07, adopted 04-19-2022, a 60-day notice to residential tenants is required prior to a rent increase.” Please be advised that Ordinance number 2022-07 was repealed by the City Commission (Ordinance No. 2023-19) on November 17, 2023, and is no longer in effect. The repealed Ordinance’s notice requirements for applicable residential rent increases and termination of tenancies are no longer applicable. If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Community Sustainability/Business License Division by telephone at (561) 586-1647.
Business License
A Lake Worth Beach Business License is required, pursuant to local and state laws, to operate all commercial and residential businesses located in the City of Lake Worth Beach.
Popular Resources
Business License Application
Apply for a Business license and check out the basic requirements to apply for a license.
License Online Inquiry
Complete routine tasks, search, renew, and pay for occupational licenses using the our online tool.
Home Occupation Tax Receipt
It is the purpose of this application to provide for the orderly use of residential premises for certain customary Home Occupations,
Business License Program
The City of Lake Worth adopted a City of Lake Worth Business License in 2014, which consists of three (3) components - Download PDF to read more.
Download PDF
Business License
Community Sustainability
Community Sustainability Office
Community Sustainability
1900 2nd Ave North Lake Worth Beach FL, 33461
Mon-Fri 8am to 4pm EST
General Information
A Lake Worth Beach Business License is required, pursuant to local and state laws, to operate all commercial and residential businesses located in the City of Lake Worth Beach. Anyone providing merchandise or services to the public, including home-based businesses, must have a current Lake Worth Beach Business License and a Business Tax Receipt from Palm Beach County. A business license is valid from October 1 through September 30 of the following year. Courtesy reminders are mailed in July prior to the expiration date.
The Lake Worth Beach Business License consists of 3 components:
Business Tax Receipt (BTR)
Use & Occupancy Certificate
Use & Occupancy Inspection (Required every 3 years)
Please contact the Business License Division (561-586-1647) should you have any questions or require additional assistance. It is highly advisable to contact the Planning Zoning & Historic Preservation Division (561-586-1687) before entering into a lease agreement to confirm that the proposed use is allowed in the zoning area. Depending on the proposed use, there may be building or changes of use requirements per the Florida Building Code to satisfy before a business can occupy the space.
When do I need to obtain a Lake Worth Beach Business License?
You need to obtain a Lake Worth Beach Business License when:
Opening a business
Expanding a business into a new space
Transferring a business to a new location
Renting out of commercial property
Starting a home-based business
Renting out residential property
Operating a family day care or group home
You need to obtain a Lake Worth Beach Business License when:
Opening a business
Expanding a business into a new space
Transferring a business to a new location
Renting out of commercial property
Starting a home-based business
Renting out residential property
Operating a family day care or group home
Please contact the Planning, Zoning & Historic Preservation Division at (561) 586-1687 before entering into a lease agreement to confirm that the proposed use is allowed in the zoning area. To determine if there are building or changes of use requirement to satisfy before your business can occupy the space, speak with the Building Official (561) 586-1786.
Yes, a Lake Worth Beach Business License for rental property is required if the property is being rented at any time during the tax year for either residential or commercial purposes
Yes. To operate a home-based business, a completed Lake Worth Beach Business License, Home Occupation Tax Receipt and a Palm Beach County application is required. A Lake Worth Beach Business License will be issued if the business meets the City requirements
The fees for a Lake Worth Beach Business License are based on the classification and type of services being provided. Please contact the Business License Division at (561) 586-1647 for additional information on the fees. Acceptable payment types are Visa, MasterCard, Discover and Checks (No cash).
All businesses (except sole proprietorships with no employees) must register with the Internal Revenue Service (www.irs.gov) for a federal taxpayer identification number. Florida Statue 205.0535(6) requires a social security number to be obtained from the person to be taxed if an EIN is not available.
If the business is a corporation, partnership or Limited Liability Company (LLC), you must first file with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations (www.sunbiz.org).
If you plan to do business under a name that is neither 1) your full name nor 2) the name of your corporation, you must register the name with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations to obtain a Fictitious Name Registration.
New businesses must apply and obtain their business license prior to engaging in their business, profession or occupation. You may submit your application to the Business License office located at 1900 2nd Avenue North, Lake Worth Beach between 8am-4pm or my mail with the appropriate fees. Please call (561) 586-1647 for information on the fees.
Before entering into a lease agreement, please contact Planning, Zoning & Historic Preservation (561.586.1687) to verify the property location is properly zoned for the business activity
The City of Lake Worth Beach Business License consists of three (3) components:
• Business Tax Receipt (BTR)
• Use & Occupancy Certificate
• Use & Occupancy Inspection (required every three (3) years) The license will NOT be issued without an approved inspection
A Use & Occupancy Certificate is a method by which the city grants approval for a business to occupy a given location. It includes a Use and Occupancy inspection that is required every 3 years. The inspection verifies compliance with all applicable zoning regulations, life safety requirements, and all applicable city, county, and state regulations.
This includes an inspection of the city’s records related to the business place or premises; an exterior code compliance inspection; and, an inspection of the curtilage and interior of the business place or premises.
Contact the City of Lake Worth Beach Code Compliance Division at (561) 586-1782 to schedule a convenient time and date for your inspection. The Business License Division will not issue your Lake Worth Beach Business License until an approved Use & Occupancy Inspection is obtained.
A Use & Occupancy inspection of the property/business is required every three (3) years. It will be reflected on your renewal notice in the year it is due.
After submitting a completed application(s) with the appropriate documents and fees, you will schedule your Use & Occupancy inspection with Code Compliance. Simultaneously, Planning, Zoning & Historic Preservation Division will review your application for compliance. After obtaining an approved Use & Occupancy inspection and Zoning approval, your Lake Worth Beach Business License will be issued. Licenses are mailed daily.
Please call the Business License Division at (561) 586-1647 or email us at [email protected] to update your information
Yes. Please call 561-586-1647 or email us at [email protected] to update your information.
A Use & Occupancy inspection of the property/business is required every three (3) years.
At this time, we are not able to put the renewal date on the license.