Volunteer Opportunities
The City of Lake Worth Beach recognizes the value of volunteers & volunteer interns and greatly appreciate every single one. Individuals starting at age 14+ are eligible to volunteer with the City of Lake Worth Beach.
Popular Resources
Volunteer Applications
The City of Lake Worth Beach recognizes the value of volunteers & volunteer interns and greatly appreciate every single one. Individuals starting at age 14+ are eligible to volunteer with the City of Lake Worth Beach.
Contact Human Resources
Have questions about volunteering? Contact our Human resources team by visiting their webpage below.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the City of Lake Worth Beach!
The City of Lake Worth Beach recognizes the value of volunteers & volunteer interns and greatly appreciate every single one. Individuals starting at age 14+ are eligible to volunteer with the City of Lake Worth Beach.
Step 1 is to fill out a volunteer application and let us know what you would like to do. We have many volunteer opportunities available, such as:
Assist with Special Events
Help with Recreational Activities
Learn new Clerical skills working with our City Administration.
And Much More!
Once we receive your completed application, we will respond with next steps.
Develop new skills
Chance to be creative
Feel needed and challenged
Gain work experience
Learn the operation of City government
Learn about your community
Utilize your talents and abilities
Explore career opportunities and career changes
Make new friends
Fulfill community service credits (students)
Receive recommendations for future jobs
Workers Compensation for on-the-job injuries
Background Check (for those over 18 years of age)
All volunteers Involve the interaction or supervision of children under age 18 are required to work under the direct and constant supervision of a paid staff member who has been fully screened according to HRS regulations and requirement.
16 – preferred minimum age
Youth between the ages of 14-16 may, only upon discretion and approval of Department Head, be a city volunteer.
Parents and/or guardian are required to sign the Written Consent Form included in application packet (if youth is under the age of 18).
Observe the City’s rules, regulations, policies and proceduresArrive on time for your scheduled volunteer shift
Notify supervisor as soon as possible if you are unable to work as scheduled
Keep accurate attendance records as directed by department
Wear your ID badge when performing volunteer duties
Participate in training and orientation when required
Maintain confidentiality at all times
Give adequate notice for vacations and resignations
Work as a team member
Provide feedback
Limit personal phone calls
Eat in designated areas
Park in same areas as employees, unless assigned otherwise
Keep personal belongings in the area designated by your supervisor
Contact your supervisor or Human Resources if you have questions, concerns or wish to be re-assigned to a different volunteer position
Solicit funds, services, or sell City goods
Take any fees or valuables in the course of their work with the City
Use profane or abusive language
Report for assignment under the influence of alcohol or narcotics
Release City information without proper approval
Act as a “spokesperson” for their Department or the City to the press or other media
Engage in political activities while on duty
Omit information or submit inaccurate information on reports, documents, records etc.
Volunteers who do not adhere to the rules and procedures of the City of Lake Worth Beach or who fail to satisfactorily perform their volunteer assignments will be dismissed from the program. Reasons for dismissal may include the following:
Misconduct, insubordination or poor attitude
Poor Attendance; constant tardiness
Failure to meet the requirements of volunteer position description
Failure to perform assigned duties
Failure to abide by the City of Lake Worth Beach policies and procedures or violation of any of the policies in this manual: Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Policies; Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace; Dress Code; ID Badges etc.
Report Work Related Injuries
Thank you for considering volunteering with us.
We know your time is valuable and we hope to meet you very soon!