EPA Grant
The City of Lake Worth Beach has an opportunity to receive up to $20,000,000 for a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through a Community Change Grant.
The City of Lake Worth Beach has an opportunity to receive up to $20,000,000 for a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through a Community Change Grant. Through a series of surveys and community events, the City will gather your input and ideas on how to address important challenges of our community.
Click Here to Take Survey
Due to the nature of this grant from the EPA, projects must meet certain requirements in the reduction of Pollution and Climate Action Strategies.
One Project must meet one of the Climate Action strategies
Examples of types of projects includes:
Strategy 1: Green Infrastructure/Nature Based Solutions - Shade Trees, Restoring native plants, Wetlands, Stormwater capture, other green infrastructure
Strategy 2: Mobility and Transportation (air pollution and public health) - Protected bike lanes, Walking Paths, Supplying traditional or electric bikes, Other low emission transportation solutions
Strategy 3: Energy Efficient, Healthy, and Resilient Housing and Buildings - Green energy and indoor air quality – Examples: residential, commercial, community center, non profit offices, schools or community health facilities
Strategy 4: Microgrid Installation for Community Energy Resilience - Improving electric reliability
Strategy 5: Community Resilience Hubs - Hurricane shelter with community convening spaces and educational/disaster prep
Strategy 6: Brownfield Redevelopment for Emissions Reductions and Climate Resilience - Development on a cleaned brownfield site
Strategy 7: Waste Reduction and Management - Composting or recycling projects
Strategy 8: Workforce Development Programs for Occupations that Reduce Greenhouse gas and air Pollutants - Introduction to high quality careers and training in GHG Reducing jobs
The City of Lake Worth Beach has an opportunity to receive up to $20,000,000 for a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through a Community Change Grant. Through a series of surveys and community events, the City will gather your input and ideas on how to address important challenges of our community.
Click Here to Take Survey
One Project must meet one of the Pollution Reduction strategies
Examples of types of projects includes:
Strategy 1: Indoor Air Quality and Community Health Improvements - Education on air toxins and remediations – EG Filtrations systems and building retrofits, Asbestos removal
Strategy 2: Outdoor Air Quality and CHI - Funding equipment and technology for inspection testing, monitoring, and sampling of air pollution, Purchasing equipment that limits exposure and reduces near road pollution or airport, Land Use and zoning policies
Strategy 3: Clean Water Infrastructure - Lead pipe replacement, Renewable energy and storage, Efficiency upgrades, Septic to Sewer, Living Waste Lagoons, Backup Wells
Strategy 4: Safe Management and Disposal of Solid and Hazardous Waste - Solid waste management
Strategy 5: Eliminate Harmful Chemicals Through Product Replacements - Conventional products replaced with Safer-Choice or other EPA recommended products
The City of Lake Worth Beach has an opportunity to receive up to $20,000,000 for a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through a Community Change Grant. Through a series of surveys and community events, the City will gather your input and ideas on how to address important challenges of our community.
Click Here to Take Survey