Questions and Answers
Get answers to all your parking questions or feel free to contact our offices at the information below.
You can reach us at [email protected] or by phone at 561-533-7383
Is paid parking enforced all day?
Paid parking is enforced 24/7 (including holidays) in metered parking areas and lots. Parking downtown is controlled by signs.
Whom do I contact if I have questions about parking?
You may contact [email protected] or 561-533-7383 for any questions you may have.
When I receive a parking receipt, do I have to display it in my vehicle?
In all paid lots, including Old Bridge lot and Boat Ramp lot, you may take the receipt with you. You do NOT have to display it in your vehicle.
Is disabled parking free?
Disabled parking is free for 4 hours in disabled spaces and in meter spaces. There is no disabled parking in a Beach Permit space without a Beach Permit.
What is a vehicle boot?
A vehicle boot is an immobilizing device that makes movement of a vehicle impossible until all citations have been paid.
Why can’t I back into a parking space?
Ordinance (21-33h) prohibits backing into spaces for the following reasons: destruction of city property, including bumpers, plants, trees, shrubs, meter poles, power poles, and light poles, and to reduce the possibility of striking someone by a backing vehicle.
Under what circumstances will my vehicle be towed?
Vehicles left continuously on city property and not moved or left may be towed. In beach lots overnight vehicles left between (2am to 6am) in city lots will be towed. In other city lots signs will be posted denoting the times towing is enforced.
How much do parking meters cost and how do I pay them?
Parking meters are $3.00 per hour; a minimum of two hours will be paid for if using a credit card ($6.00). You may pay with coins or with Visa, MasterCard or American Express. You may also use the Pay by Phone Parkmobile app. The machines DO NOT take bills and DO NOT give change.
How do I pay a parking citation?
Citations may be paid online at www.lakeworthbeach.citationportal.com (a $3.00 transaction fee applies) or by mail or drop off at 501 Lake Avenue, Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460 at no charge. If paying in person (an in-person fee will be applied if walking in).
How do I dispute a citation?
Click on the Parking Hearing Request Form or you can may go to the City of Lake Worth Beach Parking Page website.
How much time do I have to pay a citation, and what is the fine for an unpaid citation?
All citations must be paid within 15 calendar days. Any citations not paid within the 15 day period will incur the doubling of the fine amount. Any citation over 45 days old will incur an additional twenty five (25%) fee and any citation over 90 days old will be turned over to collections and will incur an additional twenty five (25%) fee. In accordance with F.S.S. any vehicle with 3 or more unpaid citations may have their vehicle registration withheld or by City Ordinance have an immobilization device placed on it.
How do I obtain a beach permit?
First, you must be a resident of the City of Lake Worth Beach; you must live in the area codes 33460 or 33461 (limited area). Beach permits may be purchased online at: lakeworthbeach.thepermitportal.com (Can we hyperlink the website to make it clickable to the public?). Following the instructions to register as a new user. For application support please call 1-877-224-7838, email: [email protected] or walk in during business hours at 501 Lake Avenue, Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460.