Landscaping and Trees
The City strives to maintain a sustainable and attractive city for all of our residents to enjoy. To that end, the City has adopted requirements for landscape elements such as shade tree, pervious surface, and minimum standards for front yard landscaping. Additionally, resources and helpful links are available on the Resources and Reference Links tab below to guidance on groundcovers, plant selection, other important landscaping resources.
The City’s Land Development Regulations (Sec. 23.6-1. – Landscape regulations) address topics including but not limited to the following:
Implementation of Florida Friendly Landscaping Principles™.
Maintenance of permeable land areas essential to surface water management and aquifer recharge.
Implementation of energy conservation through the creation of shade and promoting an aesthetic appearance for the community.
Eradication of prohibited and controlled species
Implementation of the planting of site-specific native and drought-resistant plant materials creating larger and more connected plant populations.
Establishment of guidelines for the installation and maintenance of landscape material and irrigation systems.
Provision of food, cover and creating habitat for birds, butterflies, and other wildlife.
Reduction of the financial costs of landscape maintenance.
Encouragement of creative landscaping designs.
Hurricane Season Information
“Hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30 with the peak months for hurricane and tropical storms in August and September. Storm preparation should also include properly pruning shade trees to promote a well-structured tree which stands up to storms. Proper pruning also ensures that your trees will be aesthetically pleasing and long-lived. The city recommends that homeowners use an arborist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). Check out this link to find a certified arborist in our area: Find Arborist
City Tree Board
The City’s Tree Board was established to serve in a planning and advisory capacity to the City Commission regarding tree preservation and protection by providing guidance on related policy matters and standards within the City’s landscape ordinance on such matters. Policy established by the Board, as approved or authorized by the City Commission, will relate to the provision of educational materials on proper planting, pruning techniques and insect and disease control; planting native species; inventory existing trees; permit guidelines, including rules for tree removal. Tree Board members serve three-year terms. For more information on becoming a tree board member, please visit the advisory board page
For specific requirements related to single-family and two-family homes, please refer to LDR Section 23.6-1(c). - Visit Municode Library