Planning and Zoning Forms
All development and use permit applications are reviewed by the Planning and Zoning staff. Each application, depending on the type of request, requires an application fee and is reviewed for completeness before it is formally reviewed. Prior to submittal of a major development application; a variance or waiver application; a mural application; or a conditional use permit application, a pre-application is required. A pre-application meeting with staff is encouraged for all other application requests. Email [email protected] to schedule a pre-application meeting with staff.
The following forms and checklists are available for proposed developments and uses in the city of lake worth beach.
Form | Type | Description |
Universal Development Application | PDF Form | Application for all application types unless expressly stated otherwise. |
Sustainable Bonus Incentive | PDF Form | Application for requesting additional increased height, increased intensity [measured by floor area ratio (FAR)], and an option for increased density for a planned development (as specified in the Planned Development District section of the Land Development Regulations) per LDR Sec. 23.2-33. - City of Lake Worth Beach Sustainable Bonus Incentive Program. |
Sign Posting Agreement | PDF Form | Form agreeing to post a sign of notice of an application for development consideration by the Planning and Zoning Board and/or the City Commission. Agreement is a required form for all public hearing applications. |
Mural Removal Agreement | PDF Form | Form agreeing to remove the approved mural if it enters into a deteriorated condition and no longer satisfies the terms of the approval. Agreement is a required form for all mural applications and shall be recorded with the Palm Beach County Clerk’s office. Pre-application meeting is required. |
Addressing Request Application | PDF Form | Form requesting change of address within the City of Lake Worth Beach. |
Land Survey Affidavit | PDF Form | A sworn statement in writing acknowledging survey is depicting existing conditions. |
Unity of Title Residential | PDF Form | A written instrument executed by a property owner agreeing that a parcel will be held together as one. |
Unity of Title Business Entity | PDF Form | A written instrument executed by a business entity agreeing that a parcel will be held together as one. |
Administrative Use | Checklist | Checklist for Administrative Use Permit requests. Pre-application meeting is recommended. |
Conditional Use | Checklist | Checklist for Planning and Zoning Board use approval requests. Pre-application meeting shall be required. |
Mural | Checklist | Checklist for Planning and Zoning Board approval of a mural request. Pre-application meeting shall be required. |
Planned Development | Checklist | Checklist for Residential PD, Mixed-Use PD, Major PD, and Minor PD. Pre-application meeting is required. A Neighborhood Meeting, per Ordinance 2022-06, shall be required. Pre-application meeting shall be required. |
Site Plan | Checklist | Checklist for major or minor site plan applications. A Neighborhood Meeting, per Ordinance 2022-06, may be required. Pre-application meeting shall be required. |
Variance | Checklist | Checklist for variance applications to the Planning and Zoning Board. pre-application meeting shall be required. |
Affordable Workforce Housing Program Worksheet | PDF Form | An application to utilize the Affordable Workforce Housing Program. The program encourages the inclusion of affordable and workforce housing units within both residential and mixed-use projects as well as planned developments of all types to provide for broader and more accessible housing options within the city. A Universal Development Application (UDA) shall accompany the Affordable Workforce Housing Program application. |
Micro Units Program Worksheet | PDF Form | An application to utilize the Micro-Units Program. Micro-units are a small residential unit with a total square footage between 250 square feet and 750 square feet with a fully functioning kitchen and bathroom; and may include a maximum of two (2) bedrooms with each unit equivalent to 0.75 residential dwelling units for determining density. All micro-unit projects must provide at a minimum of 20 micro-units and at least one (1) parking space or equivalent for each residential unit. A Universal Development Application (UDA) shall accompany the Micro-Units Program application. |
Transfer of Development Rights Program Worksheet | PDF Form | An application to utilize the Transfer of Development Rights Program. The City’s Transfer of Development Rights Incentives allow developers to buy development rights, such as height and density. The development rights are banked by transferring unused entitlement from City properties and allowing those rights to be purchased or used as an incentive for private development. A Universal Development Application (UDA) shall accompany the TDR Program application. |
Administrative Adjustment Checklist | Checklist | Checklist for staff-level Administrative Adjustment of code provisions and regulations for setbacks, landscape placement, driveway access, lot area, lot coverage for buildings, floor area ratio, and impermeable surface ratio by no more than five (5) percent, and parking by no more than ten (10) percent per LDR Section Sec. 23.2-28. - Administrative adjustments/administrative use permits. |
Waiver Checklist | Checklist | Checklist for a waiver of limited land development regulations relating to site development requirements only, and excluding use regulations per LDR Section 23.2-27(c). Waivers may be also applied for alcohol distance per LDR Section Sec. 5-5. - Zoning regulations and limitations; exceptions; Community Residence Type I distance per LDR Section 23.2-27(a). Pre-application meeting shall be required. |
Rezoning and Flu Amendment Checklist | Checklist | Checklist for zoning map amendment, FLU small-scale (less than 10 acres) map amendment, or FLU large-scale (greater than 10 acres) map amendment. Pre-application meeting shall be required. |